Feed My Lambs Radio Show

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Theology of the Body

Join us this Sunday as we begin an introductory series on Pope John Paul II's beautiful teaching, "The Theology of the Body". This past week's show on Holy Friendships highlighted how it can be difficult to break free from unhealty friendships because of a combination of low self esteem and the fear of not being liked by others. Pope John Paul's Theology of the Body will help you to understand not only the dignity of the Human person, but also just how much you are truly worth in God's eyes. This teaching will also help you to understand God's design for marriage, intimacy and lasting happiness. We hope you'll join us as we enter into this great treasure left to us by our Beloved Holy Father.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Holy Friendship

Join us once again this coming Sunday as we continue to explore Holy Friendships, with Part III of our 3 part series. We'll be able to discuss relationships between men and women, as best friends, as spouses and as "just friends", in order to help you recognize holy friendships and healthy relationships in your own life.

If you missed last week's show, Part II on Holy Friendships, email me for a copy. This show will help you understand what to do when you recognize an unholy friendship in your life and to know if it's a salvageable friendship or one you need to end for your own well being.


If you missed Part I on Holy Friendships this show will help you understand how to recognize if the friendships in your life are healthy and holy.