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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

St Philip Neri

Today we honor a saintly priest who lived in Rome during the middle of the 1500's, when Catholicism was recovering from the Protestant Revolution, and when St Ignatius was beginning the foudnations of the Society of Jesus in Spain. He was a joyful priest, finding in his vocation the peace and joy of the Holy Spirit.

His is an example for all of us to know that whatever vocation is yours, find peace and joy in your work. Many people are miserable in their careers, but they stay in it, usually because of the money. Love what you do, as long as it builds up the Kingdom of God and does not lead to immorality. And pray for your priests. we need more priests to be cheerful in their vocation. In fact, this is the antidote the shortage of vocations. Young men will be attracted to serving God as a Catholic priest if they find other Catholic priests to be happy and joyful.

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