Feed My Lambs Radio Show

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Monday, January 31, 2011


Visions, dreams, locutions, you can call them many different things. St John Bosco had such a vision which has been interpreted as a need for you to stay close to the Eucharist and the Blessed Mother. As our world continues to become increasingly violent, it is important for us turn to Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, and ask him to bring peace to a torubled world. To be instruments of peace ourselves, we will help to bring peace to our families and friends. How do you bring peace into your relationships? St Matthew's gospel presents the Beatitudes. In Jesus' teaching, Jesus turns the values of the world upside down and says that you are blessed when you are poor in spirit, meek, persecuted, when you mourn and are a peacemaker and seek righteousness. To live the Beatitudes will help bring peace to the world, by opening your heart to Jesus Christ. Receive the Holy Eucharist at Mass and pray to the Blessed Mother of God to intercede and ask for God's grace in your life. The Kingdom of Heaven starts in your heart and is fulfilled in the presence of God for all eternity in Heaven.

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