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Friday, July 10, 2009


Why do we find it so easy to place labels on others? Within our Catholic Church, there has been an attempt to politicize our teachings and to place labels on those with whom we disagree. Pope Paul VI himself was characterized as a leading progressive (read: liberal) bishop before he was elevated to the papacy. He continued the Second Vatican Council, begun by Blessed Pope John XXIII, and soon after the council, the "smoke of Satan" entered the church. Yet, people on both sides of these labels were denoucning Pope Paul VI, especially in 1968 when Pope Paul issued his famous and prophetic encyclical, Humanae Vitae. Others accused him of being heretical because of the promulgation of a new missal, which changed many of the prayers of the Sacrifice of the Mass. This led to a mass defection of many priests and some bishops, and it has carried over today with many "traditional" sects, some of which have entered into schism. The best way to avoid being labeled liberal or conservative, progressive or traditional, is to think with the Church, and you think with the Church when you give assent to the teachings handed down through the popes and the magisterium. Doctrine cannot change.

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