Feed My Lambs Radio Show

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Marriage between a man and a woman is a sacrament in the Catholic Church. Marriage is the joining of two who become one flesh, a man who leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife. There are many issues that surround marriage as well as the preparation for marriage. If you are planning a life long commitment to another person, what are some of the things you would need to discuss? There are issues such as finances, where you are going to live, the kinds of careers or jobs that you will undertake, the decision to have children and how many. If you are a person of faith, the role of your faith will also play an important role in your planning for the ceremony, what church you will have the wedding ceremony, the kind of music and the priest or minister who will receive your vows. There are rules and guidelines in all faith traditions and our Catholic faith is no exception. We will be discussing some of these issues in our upcoming shows. If you have any questions or comments about Catholic marriages or mixed marriages ( a marriage between a Catholic and a non-Catholic, whether they be baptized Christian or non-baptized person) please feel free to leave some comments or email us at feedmylambs@ymail.com

1 comment:

Shannon said...

The description of marriage in the Bible is really beautiful, though nowadays people get married and unite without God's blessing. Problems can arise from this kind of union but the church can provide help for those who are really determined to keep the union together. Christian marriage workshops teach couples how to save their marriages and how to live life as a couple according to God's plan.