Feed My Lambs Radio Show

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Are we there yet?

It seems spring is finally around the corner, and with spring comes a fresh outlook. The warmer weather brings sunnier dispositions. As we continue our journey through Lent, there are many things we can work on in our spiritual life. Lent is a time for prayer, fasting and almsgiving. It is a time for you to spiritually renew your relationship with God and with your neighbor, and if you are married, your spouse. Ask yourself, is God first in your life? And if not, why not? When God comes first, it is not at the expense of your spouse, for your spouse will receive many benefits if they see that you are in relationship with our Creator. He has brought you and your spouse together, and he is the one who keeps you together, if you ask him to be a part of the marriage.

Last week, we ran an episode on theology of the body. This is a very important teaching from Pope John Paul II, concerning how we relate to each other, within marriage as well as outside of marriage. How do you view your body? And how you view your own body will in many cases determine how you view the body of members of the opposite sex, especially your spouse's.

We will never change the culture of death until we begin to change ourselves and transform our own marriages into a culture of life. Culture has taken away from you your self-worth because culture has decided that it knows the difference between good and evil, and it is opposite what our Catholic Church teaches. Know what our faith teaches, study it, pray about it, and then live it. It is the only true path to true freedom.

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