Feed My Lambs Radio Show

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Monday, January 3, 2011


It's a new year and new beginnings. Maybe you have decided to attend Mass more often this year. Maybe you promised to pray the rosary every day. Maybe you decided to speak words of love to your beloved and eradicate the negative speech from your conversations. Or maybe you decided that you have had enough of politics because you have come to realize that only Jesus can bring transformation to our country.

Until we accept his teachings and follow his laws and return to a Christian morality, our country will never rebound. Christ is the answer. King Herod knew that, and he was afraid of the answer, which is why he tried to kill the Christ child. So many of our own politicians are also afraid of Jesus Christ. They try to kill him through legislation that is anti-Christian. More importantly, they try to kill him by placing men and women in positions of power that claim to be Christian, or better yet, a "practicing Catholic," and these men and women refuse to allow their Catholic faith to form their conscience. They keep abortion legal, they support embryonic stem cell research (which kills babies already conceived) and support gay marriage. Let us turn to our Blessed Mother, Mary, the Mother of God and ask her intercession that our Catholic politicians will come to the defense of life. As long as we keep killing babies in the womb, our country will always be morally bankrupt.

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