Feed My Lambs Radio Show

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009


The Sacrament of Confession seems to have fallen by the wayside these days. It's unfortunate, though, because this sacrament has so much to offer you. Imagine if you never cleaned your home or your car, how quickly the dirt piles up. Then, imagine if you never bathed or showered or kept yourself groomed. How quickly, the sweat and dirt and unkempt hair would become unmanageable. It's the same with our soul. We need to keep our soul clean on a periodic schedule so that the effects of our sins do not stain our soul. Maybe you have had a terrible experience in the confessional or you do not see any value in it. Maybe you are convinced that you are a good person and not in need of confession. Confession is a way for you to check on your growth in the spiritual life and how well you are doing in living the virtues of our faith. Frequent confession can be a help in ending habitual sins, if you seek to put in place other spiritual aids to complement a good confession. Prayer, works of charity, almsgiving and the attentive participation at Mass with a good Holy Communion are all ways to help you, along with confession, to receive God's grace and love and strength to keep yourself away from even the most venial of sins. A daily examination of conscience can be helpful as well. Fr John Hardon, SJ, has a helpful examination at www.therealpresence.org and Scott Hahn's book, Lord, Have Mercy, also has some good daily examinations. Seek the Lord and he will free you from the chains of sin.

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