Feed My Lambs Radio Show

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Marriage III

One of the hardest things in a marriage is when one spouse decides to practice the faith while the other spouse is more lukewarm. The spiritual component is important for a marriage, and when one spouse is infrequent in the practice of the faith, it might cause tension with the other spouse as well as with the children. But, if you find yourself with someone who does not attend Mass with you, or attends Mass only infrequently, bring them to prayer.

No one has a conversion experience because they were hit over the head or the recipient of anger. If you truly want your spouse to pray with you and attend Mass with you, and you want your kids to experience the joy of our Catholic faith, bring joy into your discussion with your spouse.

Think about it, if you are constantly arguing and yelling and criticizing your spouse for not going to Mass, and you leave the house with the children in a fit of anger, are you truly modeling Christian behavior? How are they going to associate the attendance of Mass? A child would much rather be with the parent who takes them our to eat on a Sunday morning or go to a football game than the one who forces them to go to Mass while angry.

Prayer, fasting and the daily rosary are a good way to ask Heaven for help in opening up your spouse's heart to the joys of our Catholic faith and the joy of receiving our Lord in the Holy Eucharist on a weekly, if not daily, basis.

1 comment:

Kateri T said...

Thank you Fr. Granato, that is just what the Lord had been trying to tell me. God Bless you.
Lisa in Maine