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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Cross

The cross is the tree of life, for upon the cross is our salvation, the fruit of the tree of life, Jesus Christ. When you eat of the flesh of the Son of God and drink his blood, you have eternal life. Of course, this presupposes that you are in a state of grace and not receiving the Eucharist in the state of mortal sin. I know what you're thinking. How quaint. He still uses the term mortal sin. Well, St John, in his first letter, talks about two kinds of sin; one that is deadly and one that is not deadly. This is the basis of our Catholic teaching on sin being separated as venial and mortal. But, because by the Holy Cross, Jesus has redeemed the world, when you are in a state of mortal sin, you have access to the Lord's mercy and forgiveness in our Sacrament of Confession. On this feast of the exaltation of the Holy Cross and tomorrow's feast of the Sorrows of Mary, it is an appropriate time for you to consider approaching the sacrament of mercy. The cross and the sorrows of Mary are closely united to the fact that we as sinners have crucified and are still crucifying our Lord on the cross, who died for us so that we could be freed from sin. Yet the sorrow of our Lord and his Blessed Mother is more intense for they have witnessed that despite this great act of love on God' part, there would still be men and women who refuse his friendship and continue in a state of sin. His suffering is that he foresaw that mankind would still reject his invitation of abundant life. Turn to Mary at this moment, for she will pray for you to repent and turn once again to her Son.

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