Feed My Lambs Radio Show

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Saturday, September 4, 2010


Probably the most difficult virtue for anyone to practice is patience. The patient man or woman is a person of peace and joy, even in the face of difficulties or evil. Yet, we live in a society where everything must be right now. I want it now!!. There is no waiting, there is no preparation, there is no willing to sacrifice for the greater good. Where does this "I want it now" attitude come from? The world is moving fast, and we think if we don't move with it we will be lost. But is this true? God's timing is not one of right now, or a demand for fast action. God is a patient God. He allowed the Israelites to wander in the desert for forty years. He waited centuries before he sent his Son, born of a woman. He then waited another thirty years before he began his preaching ministry. And lest we forget, there was no sense of urgency in Jesus' ministry. He sent his apostles to preach the good news, but he also gave them guidance in prayer and in relationships. All relationships must be based on respect and love, even if we disagree with the other viewpoint. The anger that surfaces between people is an anger based on impatience. The patient man or woman will know that God is in control, and whenever we try to be in control of a situation, we deny the working of the Holy Spirit. But then again, maybe I am wrong. If you disagree, you be angry with me or you can ask for clarification. Let me know.

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