Feed My Lambs Radio Show

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010


One of the things that we are all susceptible to is putting walls up around our relationships. We use all kinds of excuses for shutting people out of our lives, including friends, and we justify our poor behavior towards them because they hurt us, in some form or another. Usually, it is a perceived hurt, which could be healed with sitting down and having a conversation with the person. But we continue to place those walls up so that we do not have to sit down with someone who has hurt us. Yet, St Paul reminds us that the walls are already down when we are members of the Body of Christ. So, if you belong to the Body of Christ, why is it that you feel justified in treating other members with scorn and disdain? Why is it that the work of reconciliation is out of reach? Why is it that the fruits of the Holy Spirit are not being lived? Only you can answer why you refuse to offer forgiveness and seek reconciliation. We are all called to bring each other to Christ, and to be Christ for one another. Love and forgiveness is the answer, because Christ is the answer.

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