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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Pope's condom remark

There are so many articles coming out on other blogs, including Fr Z's and Amy Welborn's, as well as comments by Janet Smith, Philip Lawler, and Fr Fessio, that I would not even attempt to add my own two cents here. Suffice to say that the mainstream liberal media, as well as the more conservative Fox News, are purposely misrepresenting the Pope's comments. No surprise. The media in the US and Great Britian as well are hostile towards the Church. But even the more liberal Catholic newspapers and periodicals, as well as liberal Catholic groups, are perpetuating a myth of what the Pope actually said. It's basic common sense. The Pope would never say that it is a moral act to engage in any sexual activity outside of marriage, so for the liberal media to claim that the pope said that everyone could use condoms to avoid infection from sexual diseases is a lie. The example used by the Pope is of a male prostitute. Pope Benedict is basically saying that the prostitute's use of a condom would signal to his conscience that actions have consequences and that he might, just might, be having a moment whereby he would see that a need for transforming his life from a life of disordered sexuality to one of chastity is possible. As was pointed out by Fr Fessio, this is not even a lesser of two evils argument. It's a subtle distinction that is being lost on the large majority of people who live by the soundbyte and by their own need to justify their own behavior. If you follow the teachings of the Catholic Church in regards to sexuality, then the use of condoms would play no role in any activity, whether for contraception or for the protection of various sexually transmitted diseases.

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